Monday, June 4, 2012

Mother's Day Out

Summer is here and big changes are happening in the Weaver home.  BOTH my kids are going to a summer program together. They were both so excited to wake up this morning.  Bryan gave Bayler the "take care of her because you are her big brother" speech. And I had to make sure and give Braxton the "tell your teacher when you have to pee" speech.  They woke up and talked about what they were going to do today together.  They walked up hand and hand to the door.  Such a proud moment for me.

Now I have 2 whole days to have all to myself.  What to do, to do absolutely nothing, those are the questions.  As much as I would love to do nothing I know I will make those days my busiest so I can enjoy the other days with activities with my kiddos.  Can't wait to go pick them up and hear them tell me their stories from their very exciting day.

Hope everyone has a great week. 

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