So we have had a pretty fun weekend, soccer game and bike riding on Friday night. Saturday my kiddos both woke up with runny noses and coughs, I think it is allergies but we hung out at the house, grilled out steak, and had a good dinner. We went out for a bit for a friends bday. Woke up Sunday with my momma making breakfast (she stayed the night since she watched the kids)
Bryan, Bayler, and I went bowling for another friends family bday party. Lindsey is not only a great friend but now she will be family.
Oh and she is also responsible for this hair do I am sporting. I hope I took notes because I loved it and hope I can do this by myself
Braxton kept saying "Petty Mommy" and "Hi Mommy" I believe that meant she liked it
Just a couple pics from Friday night, he was ready to take the training wheels off but Bryan was not ready for the possible dramatic fit he might throw when he gets use to the 2 wheels.
I know I need to get her a girl bike, but she thinks she is tough stuff on this ride
Here is the cute couple back when we went to a Dallas Cowboy game. This is my cousin Nick and his other half Lindsey. Aren't they super cute?
Because Nick knew Lindsey would read into anything off the norm, he decided since the family would all be together for her bday he would pop the question then. Lindsey loves monkeys...I mean all monkeys, pictures, stuffed animals you name it she loves it. Well she also is over the moon for Mr. Kolson, Nick's nephew, so Nick combined her 2 loves and out came Kolson dressed as a monkey with a special note..."Will you be my Aunt" Lindsey turns around and Nick is on his knee with her dream ring. Tears, smiles, and laughter filled the room.
I wish these two all the happiness in the world. Oh and she will now have big shoes to fill, she will be Lindsey King one day, and I only hope she can be as cool as I was when that was once my name, just kidding. Love you two!!!!!