For the past couple weeks it has pretty much been an ongoing match, Bayler vs. Braxton:
yelling, not sharing, pinching, pushing, scaring, anything you can think of it has been happening.
So I thought I would share who does what:
Bayler loves to pester Braxton. She can be playing dolls and he walks over and knocks them over. She can be drawing and he steps on her book or takes her crayon and throws it across the room. Braxton hanging out all my herself, and next thing you know he jumps out and scares her.
Last nights pester game was taking off all of her Valentine stickers she worked so hard to put up. She gets so mad and then she gets your payback face on
Braxton loves bossing Bayler. Bayler is believe it or not my more sensitive child so he usually cries or acts out a lot sooner then Braxton who bottles it up and then explodes when she has had too much (can you say me and Bryan's personalities) Braxton loves to tell Bayler to "get outta here" "go to time out" "go to your room Bay Bay" which is followed with a "you're not the boss of me" screaming match. Braxton loves pinching Bayler, whenever and wherever. She loves stealing his toys and then running as fast as she can to get away. She loves tearing up his "artwork" Last night they argued because Braxton would not let Bayler on the couch.
I grew up as an only child until I was 12 and to be honest I would have been an awful sister if I would have found any reason to pester or be mean to my younger siblings, plus I consider each of them gifts from my dad and step mother. Seeing this sibling rivalry is so interesting to me. I definitely choose my battles before I intervene. They are starting to fight and make up all on their own. Now please know they do not fight all the time, like I have said before they have a love/pester relationship. I have noticed Bayler likes to get a reaction out of Braxton and Braxton loves to get Bayler to interact with her (even if it might end with a light saber to the head) Again this is something I see that Bryan and I do in our everday lives, Bryan loves teasing me to get a reaction, and I love bothering Bryan just enough so he will laugh or yell(never) at me. I love that my kids have each other and I hope they stay close as years pass