So this is my little boy looking so big. He had dentist appointment this morning and it only confirmed that he is growing up, no cavaties, 2 loose teeth, and molars coming in. I enroll him in Kinderarten on Thursday. I am so excited for all the new beginnings but also a little sad because it is going by so fast: Here is a little bit about Bayler right now, he is wearing size small in boys (6-7), wears a size 1 in men shoes, growing his hair out, loving all kinds of food, he has practice almost every night so he pretty much is starving and eats everything on his plate (plus 2nds) once he gets home. Going to bed and staying in his bed all night. Still has the best imagination. Helps around the house, always has good reports from school, best friends are Wesley and Steeler but has tons of great friends. Still loves his chocolate milk and blankets in the morning, is a mommas boy but loves acting like his daddy, it is a hit or miss on being a good big brother or should I say nice brother, depends if he finds it funny to pester her or not! Love you Bayler

Here is Miss Braxton, I am a little younger in this pic but she saw this and said, "Braxton?" so I thought it confirms we look alike. She too is my growing machine, she is wearing size 2T to 3T and size 8 in shoes. She loves picking out her own clothes and shoes. She was my child who was a good eater but she currently is excersising her right to say yucky or yummy (we are working on this) she too is getting her 2 year molars in. She falls asleep in her bed and currently comes to our room around 3 or 4am every morning saying she is scared. She loves walking up to Bayler's school and seeing him and all of his friends, she will start next year. It is also a hit or miss on her being a "good sister" she likes to pick and choose when she will be nice, mean, cry, or kick Bayler. We are working on being kind in the Weaver House. All of us! lol She loves the color purple, butterflies, and high heels. We are working on the transistion from bottle/sippy cup to big girl cups. She wins this battle when it comes to drinking her milk. It is funny how she goes from mommas baby to big girl in a second. Love you Braxton