And here are the boys, as I was saying in my previous post. They got to hang out all day, just the boys. Bayler is a momma's boy at heart but loves being one on one with his daddy. He acts so much older with his dad. And of course I never can get him to nap ever....Bryan has him asleep when I got home, couldn't believe. We ended our Saturday by having dinner with Bryan's family. Bryan's great aunt Judy was having her 70th birthday party. We had a great time and loved seeing everyone. We were all very tired and ready to come home and just veg, well everyone except Bayler who had so much sugar he is still currently bouncing off the walls. Very excited for next weekend, my aunt Deb and uncle John will be in town and of course Mother's Day. Please keep Bryan's great grandma in your prayers. She will be having surgery on Friday. Hope you all have a great and blessed week!
How To Make Homemade Box Mix Brownies
1 day ago
We loved having you guys there at Mama's Birthday Party even though the place was CRAZY!!! :) Thanks so much for coming! :) Love ya all!!