Since my last post many things have been going on, first I was sick....I mean sick. I don't think I have been that sick since before Bayler was born. Thanks to Bryan and my mom we all got threw it. From there my little ones have returned to runny noses. I am trying to keep us all sanitized because I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy what I had so I for sure don't want any family members getting it.
Bryan has returned to hunting! We went out as a family and watched for deer from our vehicle. Of course kids got restless so I brought snacks to take care of that problem. We saw 3 nice bucks and 7 to 8 does. 3 came right up to our car. We stopped in and talked to Grammie, Aunt Sharon, and Aunt Judy before they went to Wednesday church.
Finally getting some consistent hours of non coughing sleep, the night came that Braxton climbed and fell out of her bed. This freaked me out, she landed who knows how but definitely on our wood floors. She was crying like crazy almost to the point where we were going to take her to the emergency room. I was able to rock her to sleep hours later, then because I am a worry wart I slept with her in Bayler's bed. So boys in one room and girls in the other!!!! Well Sadie slept with Bryan and Bayler and Sam slept with us girls. Friday morning immediately broke her bed down to the ground and she has been sleeping great ever since! SHOOSH
We had a busy birthday parties weekend, great time with our friends and then with Bayler and Braxton's friends.
Now we are just getting ready for Thanksgiving. We hope you have a blessed day with friends and family. We can't wait to get together with all of ours!
How To Make Homemade Box Mix Brownies
1 day ago
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