So the night before my little guy's first day of Pre K. Yes he will be going to the same school, but he goes everyday and will be 5 in 2 weeks. I can't believe he is growing up so fast
Look at this sweet face. He told me he would stop eating his veggies so he could stay little for me forever ( I of course thought how sweet, but I know he was trying to get out of his veggie dinner)
Tomorrow August 18th is a very special day, it is my best friend's 30th. I can't be with him on his "Guy" trip down at Red River but that doesn't mean I am not thinking about him. I knew God had a man out there that was just right for me (Bryan) but I got a bonus guy (Brad) Best friends now going on 20 years. We have been through a lot together and as we have gotten older our relationship has grown stronger. As much as he hates the term "Uncle Brad" he is truly family to us and my kids love him just as much as we do. I hope he has a great trip, great birthday, and our friendship continues to stay strong and go for many more years. I love you James Bradley. Most of the pics are from our Senior year, Oh how I miss that body (mine of course! to be 18 again)
Okay so I am not for sure how many people check in on me but if you have I am so very sorry for my lack of blogging. Here is a little run down of what has been going on in our lives. We of course celebrated Grammie's amazing life on August 9th. Beautiful service, great lunch with her family and friends, and then we ended the evening with dinner at Bryan's aunt Judy's house (Grammie's Daughter). And for the past 3 weeks my dad and my sisters (sometimes my brother) have been making Thursday night visits. We love this. They are practicing close to Yukon so they stop by and say hi. Also Bay has started practicing for outdoor soccer. Bryan and Bayler go to practice together while me and Miss B get dinner started. Bayler and Bryan are getting pretty excited for the upcoming hunting seasons. Bayler is Bryan to a T when it comes to his love for nature and being out on the land. He is requesting camo for his birthday. We celebrated a great, and when I say great I mean GREAT friend's 30th this past Saturday. Mr. Brad Wright, his mom and I (well much more Brenda) had a party for him for all of his family and close friends. We had a great time and I hope he enjoyed the get together. Right now we are getting Bayler ready for school, he will stay at the same school he has been going to, but it is Pre K and he will be going everyday. We are signing Braxton up for a lil' gym class. I will definitely post pics and keep you posted on how she does. Also I am well into the birthday plans for Bayler's Transformer party. I know he is so pumped, but I am too, I love planning the kids parties. Hope everyone has a blessed week.
On Wednesday our family lost a very special woman. There are not enough words to explain how caring, loving, giving, and all around amazingshe was. Goldie Haverly was 98 years young. She had a close and loving family. She was devoted to her church whom she called family also. She lead a spiritual and self-less life.She had stories that I know could have been Best Seller books. She lead a simple life, but with all of her simplicity she was out of the world amazing. I was blessed enough to marry into this wonderful family with Grammie as its matriarch. She is a woman that I will continue to imitate. She stood for what was good in the world. She will be missed dearly but we all smile because on her 98th birthday we all celebrated with cake, cards, and most importantly with Grammie. We got to watch a pink sunset, see deer in her pasture, and hug her one last time. Like my son said, "I have loved her my whole life" and for so many of us it is a True statement.
This weekend Bryan and I joined a group of friends to celebrate Shannon and Grady's birthdays. Cross-Wood Pub Crawl. We got picked up in Yukon and spent an evening down in Bricktown. Matching shirts, koozies, and bandanas. It was so much fun and will be an annual celebration.
I married my best friend in September of 2004. We have two beautiful children, Bayler 6 and Braxton 3. They keep me very busy as a stay at home mother. I am very close to my mom who visits me and the kids on a regular basis. We live in our hometown, b/c both sides of our family are close and couldn't think of a better place to raise our family. I wouldn't change anything about my life, I am blessed every day.