Yea!!! Today is my birthday. I have had such a great week. I am so thankful for my life and all of the loved ones I have in it. In 29 years I have learned to love love love my family. They are so important in all chapters of my life. I have realized it is okay to mess up as long as you learn from your mistakes. I have learned to laugh......at myself or just find the funny in situations. I have watched my parents, go from guiding me to the present day to becoming some of my closest friends. I have fell in love with a man that I like to think of as my better half. I have become a mother to 2 amazing children. I find myself stunned that God gave them to me! I have felt complete sadness when I had to trust in God and his plan for me when Bryan and I lost our first child in my first trimester. Once again our families surrounded us at that time and helped us through it. My life has been filled with happiness, sadness, craziness, and complete fulfillment. I am still on my journey in life, still messing up, still learning, smiling, laughing, dancing, singing(no one needs to hear though) My dreams have changed throughout my 29 years but I know my dreams for my future today are to be the best parent and wife I can be. Oh and become the NEXT AMERICAN IDOL!!!!! Totally kidding, I know I am too old now to try out ;)
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