My little artist has been begging me to paint for some time now, but with Braxton such a busy body and always into whatever he is doing I have said no so many times. Since he did so well yesterday with his dentist appt and haircut appt I caved and said yes. Of course I had Braxton down for a nap during "Art Class"
He had a great time and eventually turned it into finger "hand painting" nothing was messed up or stained during his creativeness
I know you already know what the objects are in his paintings, but for the few who can't quite put their finger on it......Transformer Heads
I know you guessed it!
She is a happy girl today. It is just her and I today, Bryan is out working and Bayler is at school. She likes to think she runs the house on days like these.
I caught her with a highlighter, Me: No Braxton, Her: she opens the lid, Me: Braxton bring that here, Her: she takes off running, Me: you want a spankin, Her: draws all over her face like it is make up (lipstick)
No no pic because I had to punish and then clean off this little girl
These pics were taken minutes before she decided to graffiti herself
Maybe she was giving me an indirect sign that it wouldn't hurt if I put a little make up on once in awhile. You guys must get scared of all my natural pics. But come on, Bryan told me one time that he likes me better with no make up on and I am doing it for him. lol
OK I don't know why but I totally started cracking up at the picture of him painting in his underwear...too cute! Oh and Easton totally went through a Transformers stage at his age too. Next he will probably be into Star Wars I am guessing. That was after Transformers. BOYS! Gotta love them.