My two sweet babies! The obvious comparison is the age and gender, duh right! I find myself always comparing these two kiddos. Did Bayler still cry at night like Braxton, did Bay get all his teeth like Braxton, ever get sick as much etc..... Well as I was waiting in the doctor's office for Braxton's 15 month check up the question was more and more in my mind, Why do I compare two completely different individuals. Maybe it is just the interest of knowing if they will be anything alike as adults, maybe it is someway attached to comparing them to Bryan and myself, I have no clue but I always do. So I thought I would not compare them today to you on my blog I will just give a little insight on who they are today as individuals:

Sweet and Stubborn Bayler. He is the perfect example of the first child. Not in a bad way but very set in his ways and how he wants things done. He loves to play, I mean loves to play using his imagination. No, no imaginary friend just imaginary situations which leads him to always fighting the air.....It is pretty entertaining
Sweet and Stubborn Bayler. He is the perfect example of the first child. Not in a bad way but very set in his ways and how he wants things done. He loves to play, I mean loves to play using his imagination. No, no imaginary friend just imaginary situations which leads him to always fighting the air.....It is pretty entertaining
She is a handful, always into what Bayler is into and also taking hold of the attention in a room and making it all about her. Believe me it is hard not to pay attention to her, she is so darn cute and funny. She is a bit on the drama queen side when she does play with Bay, very over the top if he hurts her or doesn't let her play a certain way (daddy babys her and I guess Bryan would say I baby Bayler)
He might say he is mad at me or wants to go live with his Gigi when I discipline him, but at night time is when I know he is still my little momma's boy. He says the sweetest things to me and loves on me so much. Melts my heart!
This little girl gets to me too, never in a million years would I think I would want to always I mean always want to rock her to sleep (even when she doesn't want me to) I have a beautiful custom rocker in her room (coordinates with her room I will have to post a pic) that I just love to cozy up with her and a blanket and rock her till she falls asleep. Something about watching her fall asleep on my chest makes me so happy and fulfilled as a mother. And when I make her laugh oh my she makes me laugh from just listening to her laugh.
All boy this kid is, he picks up all animals, bugs, etc anything gross basically. He is shy when he enters a room, but once comfortable he shows the awesome little man that he is. He is currently liking Transformers, Dino Dan, and just got on a Power Ranger kick. He would eat chicken until he became a chicken. He is a bit of a control and clean freak (no clue where he got this from) Turns off all lights, to save electricity; always puts his clothes in his room or laundry hamper, and very serious about brushing his teeth! He loves candy but is dreading ever having a cavity.
She is Miss Sassy but will squeeze you with so many hugs you forget looks like this one she may give you if you make her mad. She is my little eating machine. She loves just about everything, in moderation, I try to give her leftovers when we are done with leftovers and she is onto my my trick and expresses her dislikes in it. She follows me around the house, she too like to be little miss clean. Always putting toys up, bringing me shoes when left out (Bryan!!!!) love bath time, and after bath time (I blow dry her hair while she thinks she is putting make up on ) She dances, growls while playing with Bayler's toys, sings Justin Bieber's song "Baby, baby, baby, OOOHHHH" Daddy is getting a little tired of me and Gigi singing with her.
Well hope this gives you a better look at the characters my kiddos are. They are similar when it comes to smiling tons, laughing always, and always wanting hugs and kisses throughout the day. I was an only child for most of my childhood and I am loving the bond my kids are experiencing during the early part of their development!
Have a good day
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