I must share this story with my fellow moms out there. I was not going to share this disgusting story but when it happened twice to me I thought what the heck you guys will get a good laugh from this. My daughter has this new thing, when she goes number 2 she goes in my closet. I have to also share that she likes to take my clothes out of my drawers and then put them back in (it is pretty cute) she already gets the idea of clean up. So the other day she went to the bathroom in my closet and as she was walking out I noticed she was taking her diaper off. Gross.......poop everywhereI Later that day I went to put comfy pants on and oh yes she did....she must have been going to the bathroom as she was removing and then putting my clothes back in my drawer. Yep I had poop on my pants. I washed everything in the drawer, couldn't believe it.
Well not going completely back into the same type story, but she did it again and this time it took me a little time to realize it!!!!!!
The things they don't tell you about mother hood. Boogers on your shoulder and in my case poop on my pant leg!!!!!!
Hope everyone has a great week, stay warm and safe!!!!! Winter Storm 2011 is about to hit (excited to see if we will really get any snow)
How To Make Homemade Box Mix Brownies
1 day ago