It is true my daughter is already 14 months, yes today being Thursday the 13th, I remember Friday the 13th in November when she was born. Some may be superstitious, but the Weaver's are not. Bryan's dad was born on a Friday 13th so we loved the idea. She is so much fun, makes us laugh constantly, currently not letting me do anything with her hair so she looks like Cousin It from the Adams Family (hair in the face). She loves the Just Dance Wii games, she dances the whole time anyone is dancing. She is sleeping through the night (Hallelujah) She is no longer drinking out of a bottle, tries to copy anything we do including big brother, so she has lots of bruises and scratches when she hangs with him. She snorts when she laughs, her face flattens when she cries, she bangs her head on the ground when she is mad, and she cuddles when she is sleepy. Happy Day sweet girl!

She is a doll! I can't believe she is already 14 months.